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50 Ucapan Unik Selamat Idul Fitri Berbahasa Inggris 2025

Galeri Kitab Kuning | Idul Fitri 2025 sudah di depan mata! Setelah sebulan penuh berpuasa, saatnya kita merayakan kemenangan dengan penuh suka cita. Salah satu tradisi yang tidak pernah ketinggalan adalah saling mengucapkan selamat Idul Fitri kepada keluarga, sahabat, dan kolega. Tapi, bagaimana jika tahun ini Anda ingin memberikan ucapan yang lebih unik, lucu, dan berkesan?

50 Ucapan Unik Selamat Idul Fitri Berbahasa Inggris 2025

Dalam artikel ini, kami telah merangkum 50 ucapan selamat Idul Fitri 2025 yang bisa Anda gunakan untuk menyebarkan kebahagiaan. Baik melalui WhatsApp, media sosial, atau secara langsung, ucapan-ucapan ini akan membuat momen Lebaran semakin spesial. Dari yang humoris hingga yang penuh makna, semua ada di sini!

Baca Juga :Inspirasi 40 Ucapan Unik dan Lucu Selamat Lebaran 2025

Yuk, temukan inspirasi terbaik untuk mengucapkan "Selamat Idul Fitri 1446 H" dengan gaya yang berbeda tahun ini! 

50 Ucapan Unik Selamat Lebaran Berbahasa Inggris

  1. "Eid Mubarak! Time to break the fast... and the scale! 🍕🤣"
    #EidMubarak2025 #FeastModeOn

  2. "Roses are red, violets are blue, if you don’t share your Eid sweets, I’ll be mad at you! 🍩😂"
    #EidSweets #SharingIsCaring

  3. "Selamat Idul Fitri! Time to turn our 'hangry' mode off and 'foodie' mode on! 🍗😆"
    #NoMoreHangry #EidFeast

  4. "May your Eid be as sweet as the desserts on your table! (Yes, I'm coming over! 😜)"
    #EidMubarak #SaveMeSome

  5. "Eid Mubarak! Let's all take a moment to thank stretchy pants for their service. 👖😂"
    #EidFeast #FoodBaby

  6. "Forgive me for my past mistakes... and for stealing the last piece of Eid baklava! 😆"
    #SorryNotSorry #EidMubarak

  7. "May your pockets be full of Eidi, your stomach full of biryani, and your heart full of joy! 🎉"
    #EidMoney #BiryaniLover

  8. "After a month of fasting, it's time to feast! But first… let’s take a nap. 😴"
    #EidNaps #FeastAndSleep

  9. "Eid Mubarak! May your smile be brighter than my Eid outfit! 😁✨"
    #EidFashion #ShiningBright

  10. "Reminder: Eid calories don’t count. Enjoy every bite! 🍛🍖"
    #EidFeast #GuiltFreeEating

Ucapan Idul Fitri untuk Sahabat & Keluarga

  1. "Eid Mubarak! May your WiFi be strong and your Eidi be even stronger! 📶💰"
    #EidiTime #WiFiMatters

  2. "May your Eid be full of laughter, love, and delicious food (that I hope you’ll share). 😋"
    #SharingIsCaring #EidJoy

  3. "Eid Mubarak! I pray you receive more blessings than my inbox gets Eid Mubarak messages! 📩"
    #SpamAlert #TooManyMessages

  4. "Hope you get more Eidi than your younger cousins this year! 🤑"
    #EidiWar #EidHustle

  5. "Eid Mubarak! Let’s celebrate by eating until we regret it! 🍽️😂"
    #NoRegrets #JustOneMoreBite

  6. "Sending virtual Eidi to all my broke friends! 💸😂"
    #VirtualEidi #BetterThanNothing

  7. "Eid Mubarak! May your fridge be full, and may you always find space for dessert!"
    #DessertFirst #EidFoodie

  8. "No more waiting for Maghrib! Time to eat whenever we want! 🍕🎊"
    #FreedomToEat #EidHappiness

  9. "Forgiveness is key on Eid… so please forgive me for finishing your plate. 😜"
    #OopsIDidItAgain #SharingIsCaring

  10. "Eid Mubarak! If you don't send me some biryani, we can’t be friends anymore! 😂"
    #BiryaniAddict #NoFoodNoFriend

Ucapan Idul Fitri – Kreatif & Menghibur

  1. "Eid Mubarak! Time to upgrade from fasting to feasting mode. 🍽️😂"
    #LevelUp #EidHunger

  2. "May your outfit be on point and your stomach be limitless! 👗🍛"
    #FashionAndFood #EidStyle

  3. "Eid Mubarak! May your boss forget about work and focus on food today! 🍽️"
    #DayOffPlease #EidBreak

  4. "No more waking up for Suhoor! But also, no more late-night snacks. 😅"
    #Bittersweet #EidLife

  5. "May your Eid be as bright as my cousin’s bling-bling Eid outfit! ✨😂"
    #ShinyShiny #TooMuchGlitter

  6. "Eid Mubarak! Hope you eat so much that you need a food coma recovery day! 😂"
    #FoodComa #EidRecovery

  7. "Wishing you peace, love, and unlimited plates of biryani this Eid! 🍚❤️"
    #BiryaniOverload #NoDietToday

  8. "Eid Mubarak! May your selfies be perfect and your stomach be full!"
    #EidSelfies #FoodieLife

  9. "After a month of patience, we deserve to party! 🎉 Let the feast begin!"
    #EidCelebration #PartyTime

  10. "May your happiness be endless, like the refills of Eid desserts! 🍮"
    #NeverEndingSweets #EidBliss

Ucapan Singkat & Kekinian

  1. "Eid Mubarak! Eat, pray, love… and eat again! 🍽️"
    #EidModeOn #Repeat

  2. "May your Eid be sweeter than all the desserts on the table! 🍩🍰"
    #SugarRush #SweetEid

  3. "Eid Mubarak! Let’s celebrate with unlimited food and unlimited joy! 🎊"
    #UnlimitedHappiness #FoodGoals

  4. "A day of celebration, a month of blessings! Eid Mubarak! 🌙"
    #BlessedEid #GratefulHeart

  5. "Smile wide, eat well, and enjoy every moment! Eid Mubarak! 😊"
    #HappyEid #GoodVibes

  6. "May your Eid be as bright as the moon and as joyful as a kid with Eidi! 🌙💸"
    #EidHappiness #ShineBright

  7. "Eid Mubarak! May your heart be full of love and your plate full of food! ❤️🍛"
    #EatWell #StayHappy

  8. "Eid is about joy, family, and FOOD! Let’s celebrate! 🍖🎉"
    #FeastTime #EidLove

  9. "Wishing you an Eid filled with happiness, laughter, and lots of biryani! 🍚🤣"
    #BiryaniForever #EidFeast

  10. "Eid Mubarak! Let’s forget diets for a day and just enjoy the feast! 🍔😂"
    #CheatDay #EidCaloriesDontCount

Ucapan untuk Media Sosial

  1. "Eid Mubarak, everyone! Don’t forget to share your Eid selfies and your food pics! 📸🍛"
    #EidSelfie #FoodieEid

  2. "Selamat Idul Fitri! Who’s ready for a food marathon? 🍽️🏃‍♂️"
    #FoodMarathon #EidHungerGames

  3. "Tag someone who owes you Eidi! 😂💸"
    #PayUp #EidDues

  4. "Eid Mubarak! Today’s goal: Eat more than I did last year. 😂"
    #ChallengeAccepted #MoreFood

  5. "Celebrating love, laughter, and lots of good food! Eid Mubarak! 🎊"
    #EidJoy #HappinessEverywhere

  6. "May your Eid be filled with love, joy, and unlimited Eidi! 🤑"
    #MoneyRain #EidBonus

  7. "Posting this before my Eid food coma hits! 💤😂"
    #FoodNap #EidHappiness

  8. "New outfit? Check. Full plate? Check. Happy heart? Check! Eid Mubarak! ✅"
    #EidReady #FeelingBlessed

  9. "Selamat Idul Fitri! May our bellies be full and our hearts even fuller! ❤️"
    #EidHappiness #Grateful

  10. "Eid Mubarak! Now, who’s sending me Eidi? 😜"
    #EidiHunt #ShowMeTheMoney

Idul Fitri adalah momen untuk berbagi kebahagiaan, memaafkan, dan mempererat tali silaturahmi. Dengan ucapan selamat Idul Fitri 2025 yang unik dan lucu, Anda bisa membuat momen Lebaran semakin berkesan. Jangan ragu untuk membagikan ucapan ini kepada keluarga, sahabat, atau di media sosial agar semakin banyak orang merasakan kegembiraan Idul Fitri.

Semoga Lebaran tahun ini membawa kedamaian, kebahagiaan, dan keberkahan bagi kita semua. Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1446 H! Mohon maaf lahir dan batin. 🌙✨

#IdulFitri1446H #LebaranBahagia #EidGreetings #HariRaya #EidMubarak

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